Pester Testing .Net with PowerShell Classes

1 minute read

One problem I’ve come across with Pester is it has no good way to Mock .Net objects. This hasn’t caused me too much trouble as I can just wrap .Net methods in functions and mock the function, but I had a case come up where I needed to specify the .Net type in my function parameter, so I couldn’t just wrap this in a function:

Function New-BadNetFunction {
    Param (
    returns $Bad

As you can see, I’m specifying the type and it is a required parameter, so how do I get around this? I could just use [Object] as the type, but that seems wrong. I know classes now exist in PowerShell 5, so I looked into creating a Breaks.Pester.MyType class, but that isn’t possible with PowerShell 5 classes. I could use PowerShell 5 classes to create MyType, so is there a way to get rid of Breaks.Pester?

It’d be a short blog post if there wasn’t! PowerShell 5 brought with it the idea of namespaces. You can stick these at the beginning of your code to simplify .net names. So if I just stick this at the start of my script (literally has to be line 1 and 2):

#requires -Version 5.0
using namespace Breaks.Pester

I can now simplify my function to:

Function New-GoodNetFunction {
    Param (
    returns $Good

And now I can simply create a class in Pester and test this function with this test:

Class MyType {

Describe 'CanTest' {
    It 'ActuallyTests!' {
        $Test = New-Object MyType
        New-GoodNetFunction -MyType $Test

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